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Bethel Bible College of the Caribbean 

Bethel Bible College of the Caribbean-Jamaica embraces the view that theological education should be biblical, evangelical, Pentecostal, practical, and holistic. It must be both contextually relevant and globally sensitive. The educational context should be viewed as a learning community in which both learners and instructors are on a journey of reflection, exploration, learning, and transformation.

Life Builders Men’s

Life Builders Men’s Ministry aims at equipping and training men for ministry by helping them to discover and utilize their spiritual gifts. Also, it provides men with a sense of belonging through organized Christian fellowship and it helps in developing and maintaining their commitment to God and the church family. In addition, it encourages men to be better husbands, fathers, providers, spiritual leaders, and also, strong community builders.

Youth Ministry

We exist to fulfil the Great Commission by helping our youths to become mature believers and disciple makers. Our vision is to advance the Kingdom of God through engagement in an exciting, creative and balanced ministry driven by purpose and the Spirit’s power as we reach, teach and send persons into life changing Christian service.

Discipleship Ministry

The focus of the unit fits into the broad ministry trajectory of the church. The New Testament Church of God envisions itself becoming a “Kingdom-advancing, Bible-based, Christ-centred, Spirit-filled, Disciple-making, Family-focused church, positively impacting people in communities, the nation and the world for the glory of God.” Such a vision is undergirded by a biblically rooted mission, which is “To advance the Kingdom of God by growing healthy churches that are committed to effective evangelism, Spirit-filled worship, sustained prayer, deliberate discipleship, biblical stewardship, compassionate service and godly relationships.”

The Cedar Grove Academy

The Miraillet Festival was born in 2002 from a common will of cultural, touristic and institutional actors of the region to propose a major cultural event in the very heart of the region during the summer period.