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How It Began

The New Testament Church of God started in Jamaica in 1917 by Evangelist J. Wilson Bell, a native Pentecostal Preacher who lived and worked in Kingston. However, the official record shows that the church was organized in 1925, by an American Missionary, the Rev J.S. Llewelyn who was sent to Jamaica by the Church of God in the United States of America.


Where We Came From

The New Testament Church of God is affiliated with the Church of God in the United States of America with International Offices at Cleveland, Tennessee. The name New Testament Church of God was given to the church in Jamaica because when the American authorities sought to have the church registered in Jamaica, there was another group operating in the Island under the name Church of God. As a result, New Testament Church of God was chosen as the church’s name.


From Nothing to Something

From a small but vibrant group, by the year 1935, the Church had grown to 53 organized branches across Clarendon, St. Ann, Manchester, St. Elizabeth and Trelawny


Continuous Growth

By 1940, The Church was well established all over the Island with the churches producing their own preachers and youth leaders. By 1941 the church was preparing to send missionaries to sister Caribbean Islands.



The New testament Church of God in Jamaica celebrates 100 years of official ministry in Jamaica and is still growing. Presently there are 361 churches being served by 276 ministers. There are 82 Districts with a District Overseer who supervises the churches on the respective district.